Waterfall hiding places waiting in puoch real adventure tourists

Visitors awoke in a cold water bath water puoch field with a big tree and the old plant roots. Pha Lina
Kampot: located in the village of North Twitter detained Khmer wells Kampot Kampot province through Buddhist pagoda spoil social dance school called cross field puoch grave robbers, about 1 km from the roundabout waves in the City field puoch Many natural quiet hiding place welcome adventure.

From the entrance, about 1 km you will reach the monastery puoch rich animal sculptures of the 12 years she sailed 5 and a hermit, and the new church built of iron and zinc.

By heading to the mountain about 1 km home state houses standing in the middle of the road up to the rajas waterfall curtains, food, pet food, meat near the house in order.

Management Suite thick coats and trousers and boots calf fever more than 40-year-old forest guide unofficial always Tourists, especially foreign guests traveled up the mountain often because all guests must pass through his home that they They can not find rajas waterfall.

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He guides the client browser. Pha Lina
Goncharov surrounded by small plants almost swarming tourists are highly cautious aserpis its type hidden by tree branches and leaves.

One hand holding a knife khvev for paving the way forward and the other hand holding a drink bags for guests thirsty He said: 'Most foreign guests as they walked up the hill by a lack of vigilance . What ever it happened, but we should will inevitably eye.

Kampot puoch rare chunk of the fall to

Tbol walk up the hill through the woods for about 30 minutes came to a waterfall where he claimed that the water stage second.

Located at a height of approximately 20 meters and over a meter for the dry season the second waterfall cascading water flows on pools 5 x 10 meters enough for bathing water recreation.

Despite a small piece of rock its largest deployment criss-cross the mountain back to the bottom, large puzzle, the battery box from the mountains and rocks associated with hours Salt tightening by plant roots in long-term not a natural activity.

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You have to walk across the road trip a bit difficult spotted waterfall hiding in the forest. Pha Lina
The owner of a nearby hillside, said: `cornerstone box is a water reservoir of the Franco era colonial rule in 1942, which left up to today.

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A waterfall flowing down without glaucoma. Pha Lina
After a cold water bath SRENG forest guides, who continue to show the way down to the water falls to stage flexibility and shortcut road to Bokor Mountain.

Going down and the water about 300 meters from the second drop of water falling a height of 50 meters are waiting to welcome guests all time. Sized water flow hose on the water rock pools scene seems curtains during the monsoon season.

Photo with high water, please do not forget to take pictures beyond the left hand with plants on the Valley rooted about 40 meters down to the bottom of the gorge should let him play.

Not all for you love adventure he said, adding that if not tired to continue They should take approximately 1 hour to explore many rajas waterfall at the top.


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