Management Committee rejected Beach Royal Group proposal

Aspect of entertainment in the past fir trees Beach. The government will take concrete action on coastal construction. Sorn Sarath
PHNOM PENH National Committee the management and development of coastal areas that will act decisively on the construction illegally infringing on the beach rejected proposals Sea Royal Group in the construction of the port at Otres Beach to serve the development of Koh Rong.

The committee issued a statement on January 20 ordered the provincial authorities advised the company Royal Group to stop construction activities and location has been restored.

The statement said: 'The company must find a new location that is not appropriate environmental impact area beaches entertainment for tourists and must have prior permission from the committee in order to build.

Based on the announcement, Royal Group has requested land holdings Sea coast feed of the state parcel 40 meters depth of 15 meters to the beach Tres sand along the beach to build a port to develop Koh Rong.

Seng logical spokesman for the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, said: 'The message is clear that the government wants to keep the beach Tres is a sample plan and not allow any construction on the beach 50 meters.

Mine film Sihanouk provincial governor, said the company has requested permission to construct in the areas mentioned above but Provincial authorities rejected because it was under the decision of the national authorities.

He said: 'They can not build on this area that I know this committee for tourists and also the Dolphin fish, too.

He said: 'Any construction or boat traffic is not allowed, based on the master plan.

Sok Leng Sihanoukville governor, said the construction of the Royal Group achieved 30 to 40 percent. He added that authorities are waiting for the meeting to introduce to demolish this building.

He said: 'At the moment, the company completely stopped and introduced two options authorities of their location for construction The port is near the island dove near the port of Sihanoukville and the 2nd wave is near the dam. He said: 'We do not know if the company decided to choose which one yet.

Sok Leng, the committee will hold a meeting next week to decide whether besides Port Royal Group Is there any other construction who will have to take action.

In 2015, Sihanouk has received national and international visitors a total of 1.5 million people, 400 000 foreign visitors. In 2014 Sihanouk received a total of 1.36 million tourists and 340 000 foreigners.

He said: 'When the city beaches and clean environment, it will attract tourists, both domestic and foreign investors .

Ho Vandy, adviser to the Cambodian Chamber of Commerce and chairman of the tourism industry, said the move proved to be positive by the authorities.

He said: 'These people need to be accepted and it's not just for [Royal Group]. I believe that everyone under the law if today's action will be a measure for later that no one can Sitting on the law.

In 2008, Royal Group received a 99-year concession from the Cambodian government to develop Koh Rong. In December last year, the company collaborates with partners with Swiss investors, based in Thailand, started construction of a 5-star hotel There are 148 rooms on Koh Rong, which will cost $ 40 million during the first phase. The hotel will be completed in December 2016.

Tourism minister also warned repeatedly not to make hotel built into the coast at a distance of 50 meters.

Recently, solutions and measures were subsequently made after the announcement of Prime Minister Hun Sen.

Prime Minister on January 17, posted a message on the Facebook page calling for the authorities not to allow the construction of any illegally along the coast. LA


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