Ministry review procedure closed Chinese mining companies breaking the law

Siem Arts Ministry of Mines and Energy is reviewing legal proceedings to reach contractual delete stop a Chinese mining company in the District Court while summons the parties to ask this week involving the transport of illegal mining of approximately 40 tons out .

Siem Reap provincial court after being shut down copper mining activities over an area of ​​3,600 hectares in the previous 2 weeks, China Meng Sin Hung Hoa (Meng Xin Hong Fa (Cambodia) Re-sources Investment Co., Ltd) are faced with the termination of the contract with the Ministry of Mines and Energy, due to the company stealing illegal act during which the license expires. According to Meng Saktheara secretary and a spokesman for the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

He said Saktheara validity of doing business, the company, from October back in 2014, and the Ministry has banned companies act before the new license.

However, the company did not respect the law and stole copper mining activities, more than 300 tons and refined copper powder, about 40 tons, to transport to and outside the country, but was competent Kampong Thom curb on time in September 2015 ago.

He said that currently, the Ministry has taken steps through court officials are working procedures and organize files to lead to the cancellation of a contract with the company only once.

Meng Saktheara said: 'We are checking the legal proceedings whether it's enough to delete these agreements not only target is deleted agreement to end it once because perverse looted national wealth and do not do anything anymore. Most deleted.

An official spokesman also said that the company has filed documents to obtain valid license but after review, the Department found that the company has not yet implemented the plan properly and technical standards that the Ministry needs to be corrected and complement the technical standards necessary first.

He explained that the company is planning large-scale business in the Ministry requiring environmental impact assessment study, a full social plan Technical mine and ore refinery technical standards and quantity management system to manage mining transparency to avoid theft or loss and so on. But for more than 1 years, the company has yet to follow the instructions of the Ministry.

He said: 'The Ministry of time to complete all the shortage am forbidden to do business. Only a preliminary environmental impact assessment study, but it's not enough because it has a large-scale business projects, and the impact it much. The company owed, but the ministry refused.

Chinese firms are also complaints in Kampong Thom provincial court due to transport copper ore without a permit and do business without a license.

D. Johnson Court Judge and Chairman of Kampong Thom province, said copper was taken as evidence and issued summons related to light in this week.

Post attempted to contact the Chinese Meng Hung Hoa Chinese but staff declined to comment yesterday.

In 2015, the past 24 metal mining companies is the Ministry of Mines and Energy omitted stop, and today there are 110 companies have a valid license to do business in metal mining in the country.


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