50% rural population received improved sanitation

PHNOM PENH, a senior official with the Ministry of Rural Development and Plan International said that as of 2015, about 50% of rural residents received improving sanitation and proper toilet that this rate is better than the past year, but compared to the neighboring countries is low.

Resulting in a media workshop and excluded from strategy to improve rural sanitation program in the Bassac River, 2 restaurants yesterday Try Meng Secretary Rural Development, said, according to the census that good hygiene practices of the people in rural areas have improved steadily In 2013, a 23.24% rate in 2014 rose to 46.2% in 2018 is expected to increase to 60%, and plans to 100% achieved in 2025.

He said: 'If we look from the use of clean water and sanitation, we see that it plays faster than water, sanitation, but over the years Finally, we saw a very strong rebound hygiene.

In 2011, the government through the Ministry of Rural Development has been granted for 5 years from the Global Sanitation Fund, $ 12 million to promoting rural sanitation in 5 provinces, including the province of Kandal, Takeo, Kampong Speu, Kampong Cham, Svay Rieng and Plan International leadership program with other partner organizations .

This program is to promote the right to promote the use of toilet to wash their hands with soap and water eat establish and strengthen the capacity of stakeholders to promote good hygiene practices that help the population of 213.027 people, 125.403 people in 259 villages stop open defecation across the field completely covered.

Yemen Yemen Claire Königsberg, country director of Plan International, said a press release of the Ministry of rural residents, about half, or 50% improve sanitation, a better result compared to 1990, which is only 11%, but this figure compared neighbors line is under a bit of good hygiene practices.

He said: 'People in rural defecation covered in lush, jungle or other fields is important, then, we are trying to do to change their behavior, he saw the importance of open defecation in the bathroom properly Tune hygiene is important for overall health of citizens, especially young children (under 5 years).

He urged the Government and all stakeholders involved in promoting health, hygiene principles 60% in 2018 and 100% in 2015.

Coordinator of the health organization CFED net Rieng dove, said that the current residents in the community awareness health hygiene after promoting rural sanitation program.

He said: 'His past community do not know that defecation throughout this lush, it's difficult problems or infections ok how and washed his hands, he was not interested. Previously he thinks citizen homes, roads and housing so good, but now he thinks of health, so I hope that he will work to build a toilet in every family.


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