Ministry of Mines to resolve the impact of the dam

Stung trumpet (Bloomberg) - The Ministry of Mines and Energy has established policy committee compensation, resettlement and public infrastructure to the people affected by the project Sesan 2 dam controversy.

The commission, which was established on 20 January, Mr. Suy Sem, Minister of Mines and Ministry Secretary of State Ith Prang Mines deputy permanent station.

The commission is mandated to implement plans to tackle the resettlement and compensation for people affected the construction of public infrastructure, including roads, bridges, schools, health centers police monasteries and canals. Review the compensation policy documents and additional subsidies to citizens and to report the results of addressing the impacts to the head of government.

Post could not be reached for comment in addition to the dry Ith.

By some people to accept the government's compensation which gives it a family get a house 80 square meters, 1,000 square meters of land and farmland, 5 hectares, but some people refused to accept compensation.

Researchers from the social development Ley, who used to work on the issue, said that if the Commission has full participation stakeholders, including representatives of the affected communities, civil society, government and the company, in order to be effective.


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