US snow storm kills 25 people

Washington Lions Vision eastern US have shown that anxiety very tired from an ice storm that brought huge hailstones deposed and killed 25 people, but Washington remains strong, while government offices and schools remain closed on Monday.

The storm, dubbed Snow zilla severely attacked dozens of state on Sunday morning by affected residents 85 million people, which was introduced in the House and do not follow the road to their own safety.

68 cm thick snow fell in Central Park of New York City is the second-highest level since a record level started in 1869 and more than 55 cm thick, making Washington a virtual standstill.

Almost snowfall record was recorded in many other cities at the top and bottom of the coast Born in Philadelphia and ball feet Timor at the end of the plague which could affect their natural mother.

But as the storm ended and the temperature in New York City also had to recover from a virtual standstill and totally exempted general travel ban. All roads have been reopened across the city on Long Island and in New Jersey.

Small car traveling hard on the streets of snow in Washington, DC, after a major storm hit.
Small car traveling hard on the streets of snow in Washington, DC, after a major storm hit .AFP

Thousands of people flocked to the park with recreational sled rides and ice-throwing children play while skiing Enjoy Winter in Paradise under the sun.

Broadway Theatre re-opened, which was canceled on Saturday and the museum reopened, while clearing snow a quick cleanup on the main avenue, and the temperature was zero degrees Celsius.

But storm-related deaths rose Authorities advise caution despite police card picture postcard outside .

Major roads are clearing street cleaning but still piled high with snow. Public schools remain closed and only limited public transport system, which must continue to service. Except metro trains run every 20-25 minutes and only three subway stations in the process. IN


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