Kerry said that Laos satisfied avoid militarization in the South China Sea

VIENTIANE, after meeting with Prime Minister of Laos Thong orchestra to promote ASEAN unity face the demands of the Chinese Prime Minister US Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that Laos would like to see maritime rights are respected and to avoid an increase in military South China Sea.

Laos is the Chairman of the 10th ASEAN in 2016 and host a summit later this year that will have the participation of the leaders of the US and China as well.

After meeting with the orchestra in the capital, Vientiane, Kerry told reporters: 'He said that he wants ASEAN reunification and maritime rights are respected, and he wants to avoid mobilize and avoid conflict.

Kerry responded to a question on whether Laos will stand firm on the territorial dispute in the South China Sea as ASEAN chair.

Laos has close political and economic ties with neighboring China, sparking Palestinian state Obama worried that Vientiane as possible Cambodia, as chair in 2012.

Cambodia has been accused of blocking the consensus around the block to stand up against the seeking of glorying South China Sea claims that since then, including the construction of artificial islands fit enough to use military.

Kerry said: 'It is very important that Laos know that plays a major role with ASEAN and ASEAN It is vital to be taken based on the legal system in the Asia-Pacific region and ensure that all countries, big or small a voice to address common concerns.

Kerry said: 'We want to give everyone a voice in the region, regardless of size, power and influence.

Kerry will travel to Cambodia later on Monday as part of his efforts to promote ASEAN unity Before the summit, which President Barack Obama has summoned leaders with a block on 15-16 February in the city Sunnylands the State of California, California.

Kerry will toward Beijing on Wednesday for talks with leaders there on the issue of North Korea. IN


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