ADB: challenges for the labor sector in the country is paid less

Youth standing recruitment notice on the board off a post in Phnom Penh. Hong March
THE Asian Development Bank (ADB) has said that the continued influx of foreign investment, provided more job opportunities that keep The country's unemployment rate at remarkably low. According to Jayant Menon, senior economist at the ADB.

Jayant Menon, said yesterday that the bigger challenge for the sector is low paid jobs that people are not will work to their full capacity.

He said: 'The problem in the country is low paid jobs, which I think is a problem in agriculture special.

He said: '[This] is not very productive, but because of the scope of small farms and the limited capital .

Ath Thorn, president of the Cambodian Labour Confederation, said that people who work outside, such as growing food family lasts 3 months per year. Meanwhile, those who work as a motorcycle taxi driver, for example, may have no regular income, sometimes more, sometimes less .

He said that people are forced into the informal sector, as demand is higher than supply, and Many people do not have the skills required.

ADB's report titled: to address the skills gap released yesterday said that the main challenge for the country's labor market has been improving the quality of employment.

The report said: 'Most work a normal job easily affected not stable and low salaries. The same report added: 'Therefore, the main problem in the labor market is a combination of expertise and working conditions income.

Heng Sour, spokesman for the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, said the government must be more efforts to boost economic growth a system that will improve the quality of work and provide better protection for the workers.

He added: 'We must find a way to change the informal economy into the economic system through to facilitate the registration of business [procedure] the development of communication skills between individuals in and outside the system systems and provide consulting support for any difficulties that workers face. LA


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