BMW X6 vicious shaped decorations from Lumma

Lumma Service Provider popular car decorated with Switzerland, and they always made luxury cars as decoration BMW, Porshe and Rang Rover.

No different from Lumma recently unveiled their latest masterpiece is the BMW X6 Sport CLR X6 R models look a car that has the power only once. The company has also added strength to the car from 450 horsepower up to 555 horsepower .

BMW X6 Sport is equipped with a twin-cylinder engine 8 (V8) capacity of 4.4 liters. In addition, the CLR X6 R is also equipped with 22 inch alloy M. attractive too.

Also highlighted Lumma not only as a service provider decorated cars, but they also the producers of these devices as well, and that something special is Myanmar Lumma brand only once, a Myanmar with quality and attractiveness.


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