Vision Youth: youth and anti-corruption

However, also know that corruption is a major obstacle to social development as well as both the country's economy Lay in the world, including Cambodia. People generally complain about the impact on their lives.

What about young people? Are they affected some corruption? How can they do anything to solve this problem?

LIFT Youth want to know about the views - 3 girls around the topic of corruption that they are mentally not support absolute corruption.

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In September, 18-year-old Holding Chhay Ly, a 1st year student of the Institute of International Studies, Foreign Languages, said corruption issues have impact affected youth and youth themselves must be committed to fight against it.

She said: corruption in the form of estimates and their party or family may seize the opportunity to get a education and work from my youth.

For example, I noticed some people have received scholarships or jobs that they have no real ability to get it because they have the money to bribe or thread in those institutions. The young people who have the actual capacity? They are marginalized because of this corruption.

However, as our youth are not able to do much, apart from commitments that will change the situation in When we develop yourself to be a person who is capable enough and have been recognized.

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Another 19-year-old girl is Miss Internet behave as a 1st year student of Civil Engineering of the University of Gaza Haman expression that young people not only can participants addressed the issue of corruption at this time, but also as a strong driving force in opposition needs.

Miss beautiful old explained: 'A large number of youth in the present day there is more awareness and there is a perception and volition different from the elderly.

Of course, only one or two of us could not do much, but if we unite under one roof capture soul abhor corruption as a spirit of solidarity, we will be able to join the anti-corruption effectively.

The main and most important is we ourselves are committed no corruption in any form and We are Saicheua commitment as long as that even though we have become a thing or situation anyway.

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Teng Heng young 22-year-old legal officer of the Asian Law Office has expressed views agree with the opinion of the girls But he did not entirely agree on any view.

Li Heng said: 'We really can not be argued that the anti-corruption capacity of the youth group really limited But it does not mean that young people can not against corruption. We can engage against corruption by embracing the spirit does not support corruption in all circumstances through respect for the law as well.

If we do not respect the law, we will be facing a fine or conviction, then we start turning the act of corruption to escape.

What about you? If you want your opinion about this topic or any other topic, please write to survey rynith2014 @ gmail .com.

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