Vietnam Mr. Putin appointed a new party secretary general position

HANOI - Vietnam's top Communist Party leader Nguyen Phu Chong was chosen again Wednesday in a victory for veteran politician his party, which some fear could slow the country's main economic reforms progressed rapidly.

Fighting partisan shading on the closed-door talks a week at the Party Congress. But Rufus, 72, has maintained his position and rival reformist Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung been pushed from power.

Mr. Tan Dung as prime minister, but will step down later this year when the National Assembly Islands meeting to appoint a replacement.

State media said that this position is expected to be Nguyen Xuan Phuc, now a deputy prime minister.

Vietnam News Agency Vietnam News reported: delegates to the party's central committee meeting to congratulate Mr. Nguyen Phu Chong, who was elected general secretary Party.

According to the official list, which was distributed at the meeting, said the name of Tan Dung is not shown on The list of committee members elected after the party to join the Congress have voted on Tuesday.

Party officials said, requesting anonymity while discussing private that Congress originally approved the proposal to nominated for the committee, which will monitor the work of the party until 2020. Yong is reaching the end of the tenure as prime minister two terms without having any significant positions and not his influence over policy and security will be reduced.

Under the policy of the party did not nominate a statutory right thing was rejected by the delegates to Congress him as party general secretary.

Mr. Dung (right) candidates withdrew from the Communist Party of Vietnam General Secretary Mr. Putin at the end position.
Mr. Dung (right) candidates withdrew from the Communist Party of Vietnam General Secretary Mr. Putin at the end position. AFP

Instead, party leaders supported the current General Secretary Nguyen Phu late to get a seat in a committee on Tuesday, a step 1 towards maintaining his position as the head of the leadership of the country.

The delegation said that the delegation received more than 80 percent of votes from delegates at a party congress to get elected Central Committee, which is a pillar of the second pillar of the government's control.

Now he is expected to be elected to political office that is considered valid rules in arranging the transfer of power that occurred every 5 years. The Communist Party has been authorized by the Constitution to control the population and 93 million people do not have a direct role in the selection of party leaders .

Nguyen Manh Hung, a professor who resigned GeorgeMason University of Virginia in the US, said: 'If Yong not a member of the Party Central Committee positions. He was retired. He will not come back.

He did not get enough votes.

Yong open the economy to market forces larger and expanded ties with former enemy Vietnam War but facing political attacks several months.

In terms of winning or losing for the new leader to be pulled away from its neighbor China, which disputed territories with, and reached to grab. Under his management solution Vietnam Trade Agreement US-led Pacific, excluding China. PSA


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