The meaning of the brand logo that you can not know

Logos of various brands always play a major role to determine the identity and logo all some hidden meaning, which shows the quality and value of the product. The following is the meaning of logos of some brands that you might not know:

Logo interface 4, which represents the combination of Audi, Horch, DKW, Wanderer and last year 1932.

2. BMW

The acronym of Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, and this logo is derived from the shadow of the wings fan of German aircraft used in 2nd World War and its color is the color of the flag of the State of Bavaria, the German federal state.

3. Lamborghini

Logo plus bulls, the animals represent the constellation Taurus, Ferruccio Lamborghini's founding father, Lamborghini, and he was much like the game Bull.
4. Mazda

M logo, which is shaped like a wing, which represents flight towards the future. With the letter V in the center of which stands for creativity and strong vibrant Mazda.
5. Mercedes
Simple logo with a star-shaped chart, which refers to the management of land, water and air.


A logo that represents the trust between the customer and the company. Oval mesh circles 3, which represents The link between the customer's heart, the heart of the products and technologies that give customers.


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