The government urged private expedite construction of electrical infrastructure

THE EAC has asked the private distribution companies that have already received licenses to improve its procedures of infrastructure construction to distribute electricity to the location where the main targets from electricity as the government plans to distribute electricity to every village all 2020.

Mr. Norin, head of the Authority, said authorities had distributed 337 licenses to private companies to build a distribution network across the country.

This license is supposed to be able to cover 95.7 per cent of all villages in the country, but the holder of the license just built only about 66.5 percent of all the villages have been identified so far and authorities continue to drive the company to continue to build the remaining network, and by 2020, otherwise they will face a loss licenses.

He said: 'Some companies have yet to build a plan yet. We will further push to achieve the goal by 2020.

He added: 'To achieve the construction of the distribution network across the country, authorities need about $ 1 billion US dollars investment, so we can not do on their own, we need to work together with the private sector on issues .

He added: 'budgetary requirements will increase further when the population increases and the state is seeking loans from also abroad.

Speaking at a seminar yesterday Suy Sem, Minister of Mines and Energy said that to reduce the gap between urban and rural areas The government has recommended that private distribution companies need to improve the distribution network to the destination location defined as all its The plan as stated in the license.

He said: 'I have requested to the holder of the license to fulfill its investment obligations of the distribution network to position remaining under its license to be the fastest in the event that the holder of the license will not fulfill its obligations Ministry Authorities will seek other investors instead.

He said: 'We can not delay implementation of the government because the terms and conditions of the license holder must be original sufficient capital for investment.

According to Mr. Suy Sem, the government plans to further reduce the price to $ 6 10 riels per kilowatt-hour to those who use less than 50 kilowatt-hours per month. This practice will be effective from April 2017, and for those who use less than 10 kilowatt-hours per month will be only 480 riel, and this practice will come into effect from March 2016.

He said the government, through the Foundation's rural electricity liberalization EDC will compensate the difference between actual costs and fees determined by the Authority if the private distribution companies do not earn a profit.

He added: 'Of course, you do the electricity business will say to the government that if business can do ? As the minister representing the government is already calculated that this enables profitable business While about 10 percent per year on the investment that you make the electricity business investment in infrastructure and distribution facilities.

He said: 'We do not do business losses, but profit levels appropriate only 10 percent.

In 2015, electricity use 1 985,6 MW of 1 569 megawatts of domestic production, which accounts for 74.2 per cent of Power electricity consumed in the country, while another 25.7 percent is imported from neighboring countries, including 135.5 megawatts from Thailand, 277 MW from Vietnam and 4 MW from Laos. LA


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