Suu Kyi called on all rebel groups involved in talks

NAY PYI TAW, Aung San Suu Kyi said on Tuesday that Myanmar's ethnic minority rebel groups more should be brought into in the peace talks and efforts to end the conflict should not be divided into groups that participated in the negotiations and those who had escaped from the process .

Army guerrilla group representatives and members of the National Assembly, hundreds of people gathered in the capital, Nay Pyi Taw for the second phase of the talks aimed at ending insurgency that has plagued the state for decades.

President Thein Sein's government Civil half will be out of power ever signed a so-called nationwide ceasefire agreement (NCA) in October, but the 7 among the 15 rebels who have been invited to attend are not signed in Some of the most influential groups.

Other groups were not invited to participate or have shown little interest in the process.

Since the signing, a fight broke out between the military and various groups who have not signed the cease-fire and many who did not attend the negotiations as well as between the various groups that have signed and many other groups who did not signed by more complex tasks that are already shy of achieving long-term peace.

Referring to a nationwide cease-fire agreement, Suu Kyi said: 'We must work for all armed groups all ethnic weapons to participate in the NCA.

Thein Sein, left, shakes hands Suu Kyi talks.
Thein Sein, left, shakes hands Suu Kyi talks. AFP

She stressed that: 'It is very important that is not a conflict between ethnic armed groups which signed NCA and groups who have not yet participated in the agreement.

Suu Kyi's party won the general election in November, said he was optimistic that the fighting will end Soon, if the nation's political standards are improving and working together.

She said: 'We can not build a lasting peace without reconciliation. This time we are ready to lead the peace process, because we have the power invested in the mandate of the people and groups Minority has given us. '

This is the first time this champion of democracy has played a leading role in the peace efforts many years, official .

So far this meticulous negotiations is headed by reformist President Thein Sein, who is present at the talks in the capital, Nay Pyi Taw too.

Powerful army chief Min Aung Hlaing said at the opening ceremony of the 5-day talks, called the meeting that ' Historical events bring lasting peace, stability and security for the nation. IN


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