Samsung's next generation of mobile phones have many features

According to the Web site Techinsider Samsung may introduce new phone models at the end of next February at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona . There are many conclusions around the presence of the new Samsung phone models and concluded that reliable as follows:

1. This model is named Galaxy S7 that there are three types of S7, S7 Edge and S7 Edge +.

Clan identity of S, it always has a curved screen model and the shape of a duck.

2. USB type-C, which is the latest generation of USB. USB-C can transmit data faster USB 3.0 up to tens of times as well.

3. function scans an eye to safety before using the phone. This could be the first time that Samsung has equipped This special function they use a fingerprint scanner function for a long time.

4. Can the battery than the previous generation S lineup. S7 may be up to 3000mAh battery, while the S6 is only 2550mAh.

5. Although in the past have said that S7 camera may be 12megapixel reliable source claims that It can take pictures S6 camera 16megapixel.

6. Waterproof and can have lower prices S6 $ 50 (overseas).


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