MG-1 Drone for use in agriculture, worth $ 15,000

MG-1 Model Drone Drone leading manufacturers in the world DJI. Usually Drone DJI but only in the field of entertainment, such as video and image recording, but this time they step into the agricultural sector, which could sow grain easily and quickly.

DJI claimed MG-1 is capable of better sow to sow up to 40 times more common. MG-1 Microwave Radar technology, which provides access to the MG-1 quality analysis right Before making the sow. Drone also comes with 8 fan who can afford to sow covered land the size of more than 4 thousand square meters per hour.

Because this type of Drone highly qualified, as their value is up to $ 15,000 per unit, and it will present on the market in China and Japan in the near future.

Click to read: tech world after China surprised Drone aircraft manufacturer the first of this type in the world

Source: theverge


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