Lagarde said the IMF presidency?

Ms. Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund. AFP
Washington Lions Vision International Monetary Fund (IMF) will open the appointment of managing director officially next Friday The President Christine Lagarde today is likely the leading candidate, despite facing trial France.

The IMF said that the appointment of the head of the 5-year mandate, which started in July, will be completed on 10 February.

After the evaluation of candidates and board operations funding the IMF intends to decide on the candidacy by 3 March.

Ms. Lagarde, a former French finance minister who manage funds through IMF bailout program at the euro zone that is a challenge and is recognized in the financial community, the world did not say directly that She intends to continue this position further.

But she has said on several occasions last year that she was wide open to accept this position.

Ms. Lagarde has won the competition easily with a candidate from a number of developing countries to manage the International Monetary Fund in 2011, while Europe was plunged into deep economic crisis. Her win occurs when there is criticism that important work in the International Monetary Fund should not be set by the European Union since the fund was established in 1944.

IMF president took office again, Lagarde will also face a personal legal problems too, She may attend the trial in France for his role in the banking scandal that occurred before She joined the IMF.

In December, the investigating judge placed her under legal investigation in his long-term work Bernard Tapie, who had received subsequent to his dispute with the State Bank during the time she served French Finance Minister.

Ms. Lagarde said that she would oppose the court's order, and meanwhile the IMF executive board reaffirmed its confidence to him.

On Wednesday, news of the Frenc h press reported that the Paris government officials will support Tidjane Thiam French national born in banks Ivor y coastal replace Lagarde if she can not continue this position. BP


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