Indonesia closed more than 10 sites attacked

Indonesia closed 11 sites as well as a number of other social networking accounts after attack Gun and bomb in the capital, Jakarta recently. Indonesian authorities said they found social networking accounts that support action on bombing snatch lives of about 7 people.

At the same time, Mr. Ismail Cawidu officials in charge of public relations of the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation, said that there is criticism many around the state sneak into control on the Web site as well as social network accounts. However, the government has already notified to the various social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Telegram regarding the closing of accounts .

Cawidu said that the reason to do this is to eliminate as well as promotion a way of relating to each state's Islamic extremists who believed that there are approximately 1,000 people who are living in the country Indonesia. So far, they identify those who attacked 2 people, and while the police are continuing to investigate this network across the country.

Click to read: A 42-year-old man 15 years in prison for shooting gun Selfie

Source: channelnewsasia


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