Clinton, Hillary, you create a change

the presidential candidate's wife Hillary Clinton as you create change, while her opponent lead to a new survey.

In the state of Iowa that his wife would vote competitive positions in the party on Monday, the former president told a crowd of 325 : There is only one person who is creating real change in this hostile territory.

Across the small town Johnson City that night, rival Senator Bernie Sanders are members preside over the largest gathering with her Hollywood Susan Sarandon.

Mr. Sanders, who calls himself a Socialist Democrats are calling for a revolution against the billionaire class.

Couple Clinton said that Mr. Sanders's call for a universal health care system only pay is not realistic.

Health policy, Bill Clinton's loudspeakers: 'I think that's good is not perfect. He said the device was gradually his wife is the best.

He said: 'Everything that she ever did, she always made good happens. She is the founder of the changes from birth.

Bill Clinton insisted: she is a change agent in the breath of a person is capable and knowledgeable and economic problems social and political issues and national security issues.

A new poll shows that Mr. Sanders was leading Hillary by a score of 4 per cent of the participants in the Democratic Party in a party meeting, which is expected in the state of Iowa. IN


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