American widow has filed a lawsuit to sue network Twitter, which has provided support to Islamic states

Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) is being sued by an American widow in the issue of the killings in Jordan, which has accused social media provide support to the Islamic state, and added to a pressure campaign to crack down on networks linked to the problem of terrorism.

Ms. Tamara Fields, a Florida woman whose husband, Lloyd, died in the attack on 9 November in a police training center of Amman, said Twitter of allowing Islamic militants to use its network to raise money and attract people.

A lawyer who specializes in terrorism, said Ms. Fields faces an uphill battle, although the case could lead to greater summoned for social media companies such as Twitter and Facebook Inc (FB. O) to remove an announcement that is likely terrorist groups.

In her complaint submitted on Wednesday, Twitter said Fields, who is based in San Francisco, given the state Islam, known as ISIS, the ability to "free" to keep its official Twitter account.

Mrs. Fields wants Twitter damages 3 times for violating the law on the federal anti-terrorism by providing material aid to terrorists. His lawyer said he believes it is the first case in which the social media company is accused of violating the law.

Twitter said in a statement about a civil lawsuit, said: "While we believe that these claims have no merit We are very sorry for the loss of a family member This threat of violence and the promotion of terrorism does not fit on Twitter and other social networks. Our law is to make sure. "

Pressure on Silicon Valley
On Friday, the Obama administration has created a working group to crack down on insurgent groups using the Internet to promote their goal of finding the selection and planning attacks such as the recent murder in Paris, and San Bernardino, California.

National security officials met with senior director of technology companies in Silicon Valley last week to discuss what more can be possible to counter Islamic militants . Jimmy Gurule the University of Notre Dame law professor and former US Treasury Department specializing in the financing of terrorism, said: 'Social Media plays a key role in allowing ISIS recruit foreign fighters.


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