2020, the world will lose 5 million jobs due to the growth field of robots (Robot)

In the labor market within the next 4 to 5 years, will change all this is because of the growth of industrial robots (Robot) and all the machinery, making the loss of 5.1 million jobs in employment 15 countries that are leading the industry on technology.

The talks conducted by the World Economic Forum annual meeting every year in Switzerland forecast 2020 people around the world will lose 7.1 million jobs in which some 2 million new jobs created will be lost pay back. All these problems caused by the progress of a number of automotive technology has replaced a lot of people's role in production and health sector.

International Labor Organization, which is part of the United Nations has already predicted that the rise of unemployment around the world will grow to 11 million in 2020. 2, 3 of the job loss is going to fall into the field of administrative work in the office sector, while the machinery will come instead these days, according to a global research.

Increasing technology in the coming days will come to replace human labor in all industries, such as agriculture, health and energy sectors Financial Software, which will be used to do the analysis instead. Another challenge is the individual women will be the most vulnerable sector growth robots (Robot) and machinery.

Within the next 5 years, the man could get a job one of 3 jobs that will be lost, while women will get a job, but one of the jobs to 5 will be lost.


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